September session: “Just Google it”

September session: “Just Google it”

The first Chat Chow session of the 2014 Fall Semester opened to a large crowd and featured four presenters touting the efficacy of Google applications. Moni Berg-Binder (Biology) led with a demonstration of how she is using Google Drive as an organizational...

March Session

The session began with a presentation by Dr. Rose Beal (Theology) on the use of Google Drive.  Instead of providing her students with the ubiquitous Power Point as the basis for notes to the class lectures, Beal  is now using  Google Drive as the...

February’s Session

In this session, “Talk to Me,” two faculty members described how they have enlisted  the power of social media technologies to promote engaged student response.  Lisa Truax  (Art) began by sharing her experiences with Flipgrid, a video...
January’s Session

January’s Session

In this session, “What Have You Done for me Lately,” four faculty members described how they are using a variety of different e-portfolio programs to provide opportunities for students to document their achievements.  Dean Beckman (Communications)...
December’s Session

December’s Session

Representatives from the IT staff took the stage at the well attended December 4th session.  Presenters focused on the changes to Blackboard coming in January as SMU moves to the newest version. Of most interest to the group were Blackboard’s enhancements...